
Ismail Al Jazari - A Muslim Inventer and The Father of Robotics and

Ismail al Jazari Ismail al-Jazari (1136–1206) was a prominent Muslim inventor, engineer, and scholar of the Islamic Golden Age. He is best known for his contributions to the field of mechanics and his innovative designs of machines and automata. Some of Ismail al-Jazari's notable contributions include: Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices: This book, written in 1206, is considered to be al-Jazari's most famous work. It describes over 100 mechanical devices, including water clocks, automata, and musical machines. Crankshaft: Al-Jazari is credited with inventing the crankshaft, which he used in his designs for water-raising machines. Suction Pump: He also invented a suction pump, which he used to raise water from rivers or wells for irrigation purposes. Elephant Clock: Perhaps his most famous invention, the Elephant Clock, was a mechanical clock in the shape of an elephant. It featured several automatons, including a man who would announce the time and another who wo

Illuminati Explained- Pawns in the Game by William Guy Carr

Secret Society Photo credit "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr is a book that delves into the history and influence of the Illuminati, a secret society that was established in Bavaria in the late 18th century. The book is divided into several sections, each of which explores different aspects of the Illuminati's history and their plans for world domination. In the introduction, Carr lays out his thesis, which is that the Illuminati are behind many of the significant events that have shaped world history. He argues that the ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to establish a one-world government, which they will control through their various agents and organizations. Carr also suggests that the Illuminati have infiltrated various institutions, including the Freemasons, the Catholic Church, and the banking industry, in order to further their goals. The first section of the book explores the history of the Illuminati. Carr discusses the founding of the society

Cyberknife Technology Cancer Treatment-Jinnah Hospital Karachi Sindh Pakistan

Cancer Treatment Facility CyberKnife is a type of robotic radiosurgery system that is used to treat various types of cancerous and non-cancerous tumors in the body. The technology uses a robotic arm that delivers high doses of radiation to the tumor, while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The CyberKnife system is equipped with a linear accelerator (LINAC) that produces high-energy X-rays, which are directed at the tumor from multiple angles. The robotic arm, which is controlled by a computer, can move in any direction and can deliver the radiation beams to the tumor from virtually any angle. One of the key advantages of CyberKnife technology is its ability to track and adjust for any movement of the tumor during the treatment session. This is accomplished using real-time imaging and motion tracking software, which ensures that the radiation beams are always precisely targeted at the tumor. Jinnah Hospital in Pakistan is one of many hospitals around the world that use Cy

Wind Solar Power System For Homes

Image by Airturb The company Airturb, which is based in the Netherlands, has created a power system that combines wind and solar energy. This system has a 500 W capacity and includes a vertical axis wind turbine and a solar base that houses four solar panels, each with a 30 W output. The system is suitable for use in both rooftop and off-grid settings. According to the CEO of Airturb, Serkan Kilic, the power system comprises a vertical axis wind turbine that has been modified to feature a helical Savonius shape, along with a base that contains four monocrystalline panels. The system is capable of supporting a roof load of 131 kg/m2. The solar base is built with galvanized steel and rubber materials, and it has dimensions of 1.14 m x 1.14 m x 20 mm, with a weight of 35 kg. It is designed to accommodate four solar panels, each capable of producing a power output of 30 W. The system is equipped with four Eco Line ES30M36 modules manufactured by Enjoy Solar, a company based in Germany. Acc

Science of Intelligence | Understanding Human Intelligence And Its Key Factors

Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Intelligence is a word that describes how smart or clever someone is. It's kind of like a superpower that helps people solve problems, learn new things, and figure out how to do stuff. From a biological perspective, intelligence is related to the brain. The brain is an organ in our heads that controls everything we do, from breathing and blinking to thinking and feeling. Scientists have found that certain parts of the brain are especially important for intelligence, like the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. Intelligence can also be related to other subjects, like math, language, and music. People who are good at these things often have high levels of intelligence in those areas. But intelligence isn't just about being good at school stuff. It can also involve things like creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence (which means being able to understand and manage your own feelings and the feelings of others). So, in summ

Shining a Light on Solar Energy: The Ultimate Guide to Discovering the Power of the Sun

Solar Panels The discovery of solar energy can be traced back to the ancient times when people first noticed the warmth and light provided by the sun. However, the development of solar panels as a means of harnessing this energy began in the mid-19th century. In 1839, French scientist Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, which is the process by which light is converted into electricity. He observed that when certain materials were exposed to light, they produced a small electric current. Although Becquerel's discovery was significant, it was not until the 20th century that solar panels began to be developed for practical use. In the 1950s, scientists at Bell Labs in the United States developed the first practical solar cell. These cells were made of silicon and were able to convert sunlight into electricity with an efficiency of around 6%. This was a significant improvement over previous attempts to create solar cells, which had much lower efficiencies. In the follo

Quiad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Muhammad Ali Jinnah, also known as Quaid-e-Azam, was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi, Pakistan. He played a crucial role in the formation of Pakistan as an independent nation and became the country's first Governor-General on August 15, 1947. Here is a summary of his life and contributions: Early Life: Jinnah was born into a wealthy Muslim family in Karachi, which was then part of British India. He studied in Bombay and later went to England to study law. After completing his studies, he returned to India and started his legal practice in Bombay. Political Career: Jinnah started his political career as a member of the Indian National Congress. However, he later resigned from the party and joined the All India Muslim League in 1913. He became the president of the league in 1916 and started advocating for a separate Muslim state in India. Formation of Pakistan: Jinnah's relentless efforts to create a separate